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Cypermethrin Pour On for sheep ecto-parasites.

Category: Antiparasitic

Species: Sheep

Active Ingredients: cypermethrin

Legal Category: POM-VPS


What is Ectofly 12.5 mg/ml Pour-On Solution for Sheep?

Ectofly 12.5 mg/ml Pour-On Solution for Sheep, containing 12.5 mg/ml cypermethrin, is convenient pour on for the control and treatment of a broad range of sheep ecto-parasites.


  • For the treatment and control of headflies use T bar Nozzle (red)
  • For the treatment of ticks and biting lice in sheep use straight nozzle (green)
  • For the prevention of blowfly strike use the fanspray nozzle (blue)
  • For the treatment of blowfly strike use T Bar nozzle (red)


  • 6 – 8 week blowfly strike prevention
  • Treats and prevents blowfly strike & headflies
  • Treats ticks & lice
  • 8 day meat, 5 day milk withhold period
  • Can be used any time of the year, including off-shears
  • Contains 48 hour blue dye

Withdrawal Periods

Meat and Offal8 days

Pack Sizes

List No.Unit PackageCase Size
1ECT0212.5 L5